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Pumpkin flatbread pizza

4 Reviews
Pumpkin flatbread pizza
Gesamt: 55minAktiv: 25minSchwierigkeit: EasySnacksEuropäisch

Pizza comes in all shapes and sizes and it doesn't necessarily involve tomatoes! This pumpkin pizza uses homemade hokkaido puree, cheese, curly kale, and basil for a meal that highlights the best of the season.

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Wien und Umgebung




Wien, Salzburg und Umgebung, Teile von NÖ und Burgenland


  • Schritt 1/7

    Wash, peel, and remove the seeds of the pumpkin. Chop into 3-4cm chunks and add to a pot with 100ml of water. Cover and bring to a simmer. The water does not need to fully cover the pumpkin.

  • Schritt 2/7

    Simmer the pumpkin for 20-30 minutes until the chunks are easy to break up with a spoon. Drain the water out and mash with a fork into a puree.

  • Schritt 3/7

    Preheat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius.

  • Schritt 4/7

    Wash, dry, and chop the kale and basil. Set aside.

  • Schritt 5/7

    Roll the pizza dough onto a baking sheet and add the pumpkin puree, cheese, salt, and olive oil.

  • Schritt 6/7

    Bake the pizza for 15 minutes, or until cooked but not golden. Add chopped kale and basil and return to the oven for 2-5 minutes until golden. Careful that the toppings don't burn.

  • Schritt 7/7

    Turn off the oven and remove the pizza. Immediately top with fresh ground black pepper to taste. Serve and enjoy.



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