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Scallion-Miso Ramen

4 Reviews
Scallion-Miso Ramen
Gesamt: 3h 35minAktiv: 35minSchwierigkeit: MediumHauptspeisenJapanisch

Ramen is the ultimate comfort food but is often not vegetarian. This recipe is fully vegetarian (and would be vegan without the egg) without sacrificing any flavor.


  • Schritt 1/7

    Boil a small pot of water. Once boiling, gently lower in a room temperature egg and set a timer for exactly 7 minutes. Remove from boiling water and transfer to an ice bath.

  • Schritt 2/7

    Combine water, soy sauce, sugar, and peeled egg in a small container so that the soy mixture covers the egg. Refrigerate for 3-24 hours.

  • Schritt 3/7

    Cut tofu into thin rectangles and coat with cornstarch. Pan fry on medium-high heat until crispy and golden. Set aside.

  • Schritt 4/7

    Add oil and green onions (white parts only) to a pot. Stir consistently on medium-high heat until golden brown and caramelised. Add water and miso, mixing until smooth. Cover and simmer.

  • Schritt 5/7

    In a separate pot, boil water and cook noodles.

  • Schritt 6/7

    Cut broccoli into small florets and blanch in the noodle water for the last two minutes of cooking.

  • Schritt 7/7

    Add broth and noodles to a serving bowl. Top with crispy tofu, blanched broccoli, spring onion greens, and the marinated soy egg. Optionally, top with chili oil and serve.



5 von 5 Sternen

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